Events List

Event List

Every church hold events. With this module, your church will post all upcoming events so members; both present and absent will login and view.

The event list table has the following columns

  • Event Title
  • Description
  • Service Type
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Venue
  • Status

Event Calendar

The Event Calendar, unlike the Event List shows the events by day of the the month. This gives a different view of the notification and more easier to remember.

Events Calendar
Add New Event

Add Event

The form on the left is used to add a new event

Current Event Attendee List

The table on the right shows a list of current Event Attendee. With this table you can view all attendees of your branch current event.

Current Event Attendee List
Previous Event Attendee List

Previous Event Attendee List

The table on the left shows a list of previous Event Attendee. With this table you can view all attendees of your branch previous events.

All Branch Members List

The All Branch Members List table is used to register members to an upcoming event. The table show the names of all members of the church, irrespective of their branch. 

From the table you can register the member to the event. 

All Branch Members List
My Event Registrations

My Event Registrations

The My Event Registrations table helps a member to see all the events he/she has ever registered and attended. 

Below is a gallery showing the core event features