Partnership Dashboard

Partnership Module

If your church is involved in Project Partnership, this module will be very useful to you.

With this module, your church will be able to capture, report and manage all members that are involved in given for specific projects.

The system will keep track of

  • Who pledged
  • Date pledged (the service, the event and the date the pledge was made)
  • Date redeemed (the service, the event and the date the pledge was redeemed)
  • Amount pledged
  • Amount redeemed
  • Balance yet to be redeemed

In addition, the member himself will be able to view all his partnership givens; how much he pledged, how much he has redeemed and the balance yet to be paid. As a church you will be able to filter partnerships given based on

  • Partnership given by project arm
  • Partnership given by branch(s)
  • Partnership pledged redeemed within a specific date period

If your church is the type that reward partners that has given from a particular amount upwards, you can filter such partners based on.

  • Branch location
  • Partnership Item
  • Limit Value

For example, if you want to reward partners that gave from $1000 (One Thousand Dollars) and above (the Limit Value) for say Bible Donation (the Partnership Item) from a particular branch say Abuja Branch (the Branch), with the help of the Top Partnerships By Filter module, you can easily achieve that. .

The images below gives a pictorial description of this….

Top Partnerships By Filter

Top Partnerships By Filter page before actual filter

Top Partnerships By Filter page after actual filter

Top Partnerships By Filter page after actual filter